NEW YORK, Oct. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Belize signed bilateral trade agreements that will serve as a catalyst for investments from the UAE and will strengthen Belize’s position as a Central American and the Caribbean regional energy leader. These trade agreements will serve as a foundation to catalyze private sector investments from the UAE, as well as government-to-government investments.
With its discovery of oil 10 years ago, Belize shares a similar vision with the vision of UAE’s founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed, who believed that the discovery of oil was only the start of the ultimate economic success story for the country. BNE believes that its country can emulate the UAE’s vision and prominence in the Middle East, and achieve a similar success story, with the UAE providing the necessary financial and knowledge-based resources to achieve this vision. The BNE vision is an important part of a growing public-private relationship, and the signing of these agreements between the UAE and Belize is the foundation from which the BNE vision for a better Belize will be realized.
Full article HERE.