
Non-Profit & Charitable Initiatives

As a passionate aviator, proud Irishman, and a staunch believer in giving back to the communities and industries he invests in, Robusto Capital® Founder & CEO Josh Stewart is a committed and proactive supporter of non-profit organizations, youth development programs, and charitable causes.

Consequently, Robusto Capital® has funded the founding and development of the Irish Business & General Aviation Association (IBGAA), a national non-profit association committed to shaping a successful and sustainable future for business and general aviation in Ireland.

From day one, Josh has led through action to empower, inspire, and support young people, students, and those in need—enabling their career development in aviation. In the US, he worked closely with the Metropolitan State University of Denver, providing student internships and career development programs. These students went on to excel in the industry as managers, engineers, and pilots.

Moreover, he has continued to work closely with universities, third-level institutions, and student initiatives worldwide, raising money and providing invaluable opportunities for young people to enter the business aviation industry. This has included mentoring, motivating, and engaging with interns at the University of Rabat in Morocco and through Future Days during the Dubai Air Show. As IBGAA Founding Chairman and representative on the IBAC Governing Board, he is active in youth engagement and development at national and international levels.

Under his leadership, XJet has raised over $5 million for charities, including Challenge Air for Kids, Men for the Cure, the Boys & Girls Club, and the Navy Seals Foundation.